Our team at A-TECH Gaming is always interested in meeting new developers, especially smaller independent groups who create unusual experiences that help shape the future of gaming. I had the unique opportunity to speak with Greg Kasavin, writer and designer for Supergiant Games. These guys are the small but wiley development team responsible for such interesting and groundbreaking titles as Bastion, Transistor and their newest release, Pyre. Supergiant is known for unique gameplay concepts and beautiful art style.
Here is the launch trailer for their newest release, Pyre. Take a look:
Speaking with Greg and feeling his passion for gaming reminded me that his team, like all indy development teams, is made up of REAL people, with REAL ideas: in the pursuit of those ideas, they must overcome serious opposition for the sake of their dreams. These guys are propelled by their passion to make a great game. They aren’t funded by giant companies, and because of this they pour their hearts and souls into the success of their idea. And if they work hard enough, they find a way to make their games become reality on your screen.
So what helped Supergiant Games succeed in the competitive Indy Game market, while staying true to their unique vision? Greg shares his thoughts with us (and you!)
Thanks for talking to me Greg! How did Supergiant get started?
Supergiant was founded by Amir Rao and Gavin Simon in the living room of Amir’s dad’s house in sunny San Jose, CA., back in 2009. I worked with the two of them at Electronic Arts in Los Angeles on games such as Command & Conquer 3. We were part of a much bigger team but were inspired by what was happening then in the burgeoning independent games movement — games like Braid, Castle Crashers, and World of Goo inspired us both by their quality and in how you could feel their creators’ influence and point of view in every detail. We likewise wanted to see if we could do something worthwhile in a small-team environment, so we set out to make our first game, Bastion.
Yes, Supergiant has had good success with Bastion, and then with Transistor and your newest game, Pyre. And now releases on new platforms for Bastion. What would you say has contributed the most to your success?
The specific people we have working together at Supergiant, the chemistry we have working together as a team, surely is one of the biggest factors in the success we’ve experience thus far. We feel very fortunate that our games have struck a chord with so many folks out there, and it’s not something we ever take for granted. I think we’re always trying to make games that push us out of our creative comfort zone, and thankfully that approach has not yet steered us wrong.
Any future projects you can fill us in on?
We’re keeping busy, though apart from the news that Bastion and Transistor coming to Nintendo Switch this fall, it’s too early to say what’s next for us! We like to make sure we really understand what we’re working on and where it’s going before sharing any details, and getting to that point tends to take us a while.
It sounds like you are a passionate group! What is the passion of Supergiant Games that players should be able to see shine through in its games?
We’re endlessly interested in exploring how game design and narrative can enhance one another to feel inseparable from one another. We’re also committed to using voice and music as integral aspects of our world-building and atmosphere. We put a lot into the characters and vibe of our games. Hopefully these aspects always shine through in a positive way.
Anything you would like prospective gamers to know about Supergiant?
We say that we aim to make games that spark your imagination like the games you played as a kid. We’re also committed to respecting your time and intelligence. We hope that anytime you play one of our games, you look back on that time and feel it was well worth it, and that the experience sticks with you in a positive way long after the fact.

I was greatly impressed with Supergiant and have enjoyed their games as well. I especially liked what Greg said about taking gaming seriously and respecting the time of the player. Support this indy team and visit their website at Supergiant Games. Also check out Bastion, Transistor and Pyre on Steam, or on the Nintendo Switch.
Give us suggestions or comments! We love improving, and your input helps us do that. Happy gaming!
Mike Lane – ATG.:DMikeyL:.
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